Nominate for the 83rd Australian Speedcar Championship

WELCOME BACK TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA for the 83rd running of the Australian Speedcar Championship! This season we're bringing the title back to one of the country's best Speedcar tracks, Murray Bridge Speedway, and with the support of Made Too Go PL, Speedcars Australia, and our amazing sponsors; this title is expected to put on some fantastic racing!​
Murray Bridge Speedway last hosted the national title in 2018 where NSW's Kaidon Brown took the win; locking himself into our record book's as our youngest ever Australian Speedcar Champion. South Australia however, has had only 3 Australian Champions since the event began in 1935, being Bert Woodman (36/37), Phil March (85/86) and Phil Herreen (91/92), so the pressure is on our local heroes to try add one on our home turf in April. It will again be a tough ask though considering the caliber of talent expected from interstate and overseas.​
With the $20,000 to win Australasian Speedcar 50 Lapper the week after the title, there will be over $100,000 up for grabs in prizemoney over the two weekends, plus a combined $12,000 in title tow money thanks to Speedcars Australia (see the supplementary regulations below).
Nominations for the $20k to win 50 lapper will be done separately via our SA Speedcars nomination page HERE.​
The 83rd Australian Speedcar Championship Calcutta will again be hosted in the Murray Bridge Sporting Car Club club rooms (accessed via the pits), where you will be fed a feast from some of Adelaide's award winning Food Trucks! Tickets are only $35pp for adults (age 16 & over), $15 for kids aged 8-16, and FREE for kids under 8! The event is open to all teams, competitors, sponsors, families and the general public, so invite everyone along for a great night out! You can indicate your Calcutta tickets in the nomination form or buy tickets separately via SA Speedcars.
This season to try and bring down costs, we're performing scrutineering at the track on the opening day of the title, Friday 11th April from 9am-1pm. Please add your timing preferences in the nom form and we'll accomodate everyone as best as possible.
If you're competing in both of our major events and holidaying for the week in SA, we're also planning to entertain you in the days between with some social actives including:​
SODI World Series Karting & dinner at The Bend, Tailem Bend
Another Aussie Title golf championship & lunch at Murray Bridge Golf Club ​
Driving Experiences at The Bend, Tailem Bend
You can add your expressions of interest for the above events in the nom form, noting numbers for the karting will be limited (and we'll get discounts from the retail prices for everything at The Bend!).
If you would like to attend both weekends but need to go home during the week, the Murray Bridge pits can be used throughout the week, and some of our local teams also have secure parking for any teams looking to leave their trucks, trailers and tow vehicles. Feel free to reach out to me via or 0419 352 231 for further information.
Below you will find the important dates, nomination information, and most importantly the nomination button which will take you to the full online nomination form for the Championship event. We've also included some accommodation options with track & club affiliated discounts; plus we'll share a seperate downloadable post with local supplier information including methanol, race tyres, parts and more.
At the national Board level, we've also created a new Driver/Owner Info Group off the official Australian Speedcar Championship Facebook page. This will be used by event organisers going forward, following the title as it travels around the country. Feel free to join the group HERE.
Thank you again, and we look forward to seeing you all here in April!
Alison Dwyer,
President - SA Speedcar Association
Address: Kennett Rd, Bridge East, SA 5253
Infoline: (07)3277 7745
Phone : (08) 8532 1150
Fax: (08) 8532 1012
The complex is owned by the Murray Bridge Sporting Car Club & Motorcycle Club Inc, and promoted by Made Too Go Pty Ltd.
The Complex is found in the regional city of Murray Bridge. It is “Just up the Freeway” from Adelaide. An approximately 45 minute long drive via the scenic Adelaide Hills along the freeway, takes you straight to the Murray River city of Murray Bridge.
The track is located approximately 1.5km from the city centre on the eastside of the river. If coming from Adelaide, drive through the town and over the old Murray Bridge and turn right onto Kennett Road approximately 1km after the Bridge.
Raceday Hotline:
Please read the track's FAQ page to see if your question has already been answered. Please do not email any urgent enquiries on race day as the majority of staff are away from computers. For all urgent enquiries, please contact the office on (08) 8532 1150.
For ​Corporate Suite/Catering Enquiries, reach out to SA Speedcars via for some great deals not available publicly.


THURSDAY, 10th April 2025: 6:30pm
Murray Bridge Speedway's Club Rooms.

FRIDAY, 11th April 2025
Murray Bridge Speedway

TUESDAY, 15th April 2025
The Bend Kartdrome, Tailem Bend

THURSDAY, 17th April 2025
The Bend, Tailem Bend

SUNDAY, 20th April 2025
Murray Bridge Speedway

FRIDAY, 11th April 2025: 9am-1pm
Times will be allocated. Nominate your preferences in the nom form.

SATURDAY, 12th April 2025
Murray Bridge Speedway

THURSDAY, 17th April 2025
Murray Bridge Golf Course, Murray Bridge

SATURDAY, 19th April 2025
Murray Bridge Speedway
Per rule 7.7.1, to qualify for nominating in the Australian Speedcar Championship meeting, all drivers must race at one Speedcar Australia Inc. sanctioned race meeting (attendance at a rain-out meeting included), in the current race season prior to the Australian Speedcar Championship Title (Australian Speedcar Championship meeting not included).
This requirement forms part of the nomination form and your response will be validated by local clubs. Entry is open to local and international competitors under the same rule.
Regular Nominations Close - 5pm (SA) Monday 31st March 2025
Late Nominations incurring late fee of $100 - Nominations received anytime after 5pm (SA) Monday 31st March 2025.
ROF Rule 7.7.3 Invoked - Nominations received anytime after 5pm (SA) Monday 7th April 2025.
(Rule 7.7.3 - Any car/driver not nominated by 5.00 pm Monday prior to the event will start the first 2 rounds of heats ROF). NOTE: late nominations under rule 7.7.3 will only be accepted upon agreement with the Promoter where impacting programmed events.
Primary Car Nomination Fee: $150
Spare Car Nomination Fee: $100 additional
Late Nomination Fee: $100 additional
A total of $12,000 tow money has been allocated by Speedcars Australia for the Australian Speedcar Championship. This represents $2,400 allocation per state (excluding SA as hosts of the event). Tow money will be paid by Speedcars Australia to your nominated BSB & account number after the event along with prizemoney earned.
7.14.1 International drivers are required to obtain a Speedway Australia driver’s license prior to competing in Australia.
7.14.2 Visiting International cars must conform to all Speedcars Australia Inc. rules and specifications.
7.14.3 International drivers and Speedcars must be affiliated with Speedcars Australia Inc. before competing.
7.14.4 Any driver can qualify, in any Speedcars Australia Inc. sanctioned Speedcar in the Australian Speedcar Championship.
7.7.4 All spare cars must be nominated prior to the event as per the supplementary regulations. This forms part of the nomination form. Spare cars incur an additional $100 nom fee.
7.14.5 No two (2) drivers can qualify in the same car.
7.14.6 If a driver uses a spare car in heat races, the driver will lose all points prior to changing Speedcars and can start in their starting positions in the remainder of the heats.
7.14.7 A driver having already qualified for a race or a Championship final may substitute another car, forfeiting all qualifying points and starting ROF. ​
It is the responsibility of each participant (driver, pit crew member or official) to have a copy of, and be familiar with, all relevant rules and regulations, and by competing in any Speedcars Australia Inc. sanctioned race meeting, each participant is deemed to understand and has agreed to comply with and be bound by these rules. A copy of the Speedcars Australia Inc Racing Manual can be downloaded by clicking HERE and the AUSTRALIAN SPEEDWAY RACING RULES can be downloaded HERE.
Local cars must be registered and international cars must undergo inspection. All nominated cars (including spare cars) must be scrutineered at the venue on Friday 11th April 2025 between 9am-2pm prior to taking to the track. Competitors and owners are responsible for ensuring they are aware of and comply with the specifications defined in the Speedcars Australia Inc. Racing Manual and Australian Speedway Racing Rules.
7.12.1 At the completion of all National Title events, the first four placed cars are to be checked for compliance with Speedcars Australia Inc. specifications. The top three cars must be tested for engine capacity.
7.12.2 Australian Speedcar Championship Scrutineering to be carried out by a Speedcars Australia appointed and accredited scrutineer in conjunction with the host club and is mandatory for all nominated Speedcars.
Per 3.1.1, Speedcars must be made available for inspection by Speedcars Australia Inc. or appointed officials at any event, including prescribed and random testing performed at scrutineer discretion.
All nominated cars (including spare cars) will be weighed during scrutineering at the venue on Friday 11th April 2025. At minimum, the top four placed cars will also be weighed after the main event, and cars can also be called for random weighing at anytime during the two nights of competition.
5.2.1 Failure to present to scales for weighing: If at the drivers meeting it is stated that you must attend the scales at any stage during the race meeting and you do not report direct to the scales as required:
a) After qualifying (time trials), you will be disqualified from that one event, lose your time / points and any prize money earned, and start rear most of field for the first two rounds of heats in the race meeting.
b) For all other events (defined as any race including but not limited to heats, pole shuffles, features, etc), you will be disqualified from that one event, losing any points and prize money earned.
5.2.2 Tampering with vehicles prior to scales:
If your car has been found by officials to have been tampered with by adding weight post-race/time trials yet prior to weighing, you will be disqualified from the race meeting, losing any points and prize money earned.
5.2.3 Failure to make weight:
If your car has been found by officials to be underweight:
a) After qualifying (time trials), you will be disqualified from that one event, lose your time / points and any prize money earned, and start rear most of field for the first two rounds of heats in the race meeting.
b) For all other events (defined as any race including but not limited to heats, pole shuffles, features, etc), you will be disqualified from that one event, losing any points and prize money earned.
5.2.4 If your car has been found by officials to be underweight twice in the one meeting, you will be disqualified for the meeting and lose all points and prize money earned.​
Per rule 7.15.1 All drivers must attend drivers briefings on all racing nights for the Australian Speedcar Championship. Any driver not attending will incur a loss of 25 racing points per offence. A roll will be called at all briefings. Drivers may have one (1) crew member in attendance with them.
Friday 11th April 2025 - NIGHT ONE:​
Mandatory scrutineering (car and apparel) - times will be allocated from 9am.
Mandatory Drivers Briefing (failure to attend will result in a 25 point deduction).
Engine Starts & Grand Parade with flag representation from states and/or countries.
Hotlaps in Heat groups.
Two rounds of heats.
Preliminary features A and B.
Saturday 12th April 2025 - NIGHT TWO:​​
Engine Starts.
Hotlaps in Heat groups.
Final 2 rounds of heats.
C-Main (as required). 15 laps (can be shortened to the same amount of laps as per cars starting in that race). Top 2 transfer.
8-car Pole Shuffle (each 2 laps; front row best of 3 runs)
B-Main: 20 laps (can be shortened to the same amount of laps as per cars starting in that race). Top 4 transfer.
A-MAIN: 40 lap final. 24 car format per 7.17 consisting of top 20 qualifiers on points and 4 transfers from the B Main, noting the following rules regarding extra starters:
a) Defending Champion should he/her fail to qualify can start from the rear of the A-Main at his/hers discretion per 7.9.1.
b) The 1st, 2nd and 3rd reserves will come from positions 5, 6 and 7 in the B Main event and are permitted to wait on the dummy grid after the final field has entered the racetrack (sup reg version of rule 7.9.2)
c) In the event of a qualified car failing to start or complete the first lap, due to accident or exclusion, and a complete re-start is necessary, the reserves at the Speedcars Australia Inc. Steward's direction shall start at the rear of the field, per 7.9.3.
​(Click to expand):

Additional prizes and cash bonuses will also be added by SA Speedcars' club and event sponsors. ​
At any time during this event, random drug and or alcohol testing may take place. If you have any doubts as to your ability to pass such a test with a negative or zero reading you should withdraw from this Race Meeting IMMEDIATELY. The Speedway Australia Drug and Alcohol Policy applies. Speedway Australia has a zero tolerance regarding the use of drugs and alcohol in sport.
Each Licence Holder must ensure that any prescribed medication does not contain a Prohibited Substance as listed in the Australian Speedway Racing Rules. Your nomination in this event shall be deemed as your consent to any tests for alcohol and Prohibited Substances required by Speedway Australia or its designated administrator.
Only one-way communication from an authorised Speedcars Australia Inc. race controller will be allowed and is mandatory for all drivers (i.e. RACEceivers).
Transponders are also mandatory. if you own a transponder, please include your number in the nomination form to allow the venue to set up the transponder system in advance. Transponders will also be available for rent from the venue at a cost per night.
Pit mats are mandatory at the venue. Please ensure appropriate pit mats (tarps acceptable) are used in your it bay at all times including practice, to avoid track fines.
Scrap parts and used tyres are not to be left in the pits after the event. Fines will be issued to teams by the venue in the event any used parts are left behind.
Pit parking will be planned and shared as a map ahead of the event. Please include accurate measurements in the nomination for your vehicle, with the rear door down. You can also include preferred pit pairings with other teams which we will try to accomodate.
All Speedway Australia defined safety apparel must be worn to the standards required for all races in the event. Failure to do so will result in your disqualification from the race (be it pre or post race completion), and a monetary fine. Repeat failures may result in disqualification from the event.
Sunday 13th April 2025 has been booked as the allocated rain date. Per rule 7.13.1 If through circumstances beyond any control, a Australian Speedcar Championship meeting should be postponed, and then a re-scheduled meeting should be held within 48 hours. If the meeting cannot be completed within this 48 hour period, the championship event for that season will not be completed and recorded as a non-event.
Pit admission is subject to the following restrictions:
Patrons aged 16 years or over, or 12 years and over if they hold a current Speedway Australia licence.
Must have enclosed footwear.
Must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
No animals allowed.
Minimum dress requirements are shorts, short sleeved shirt or t-shirt and covered shoes.
Murray Bridge Speedway is a smoke / vape free venue – Smoking is permitted outside the venue, at least 10 metres from entry gates.
A full list of pit rules is available from the Speedway Office.
By nominating for this event, entrants and car-owners confirm they understand the specifications, rules and regulations per the current Speedcars Australia Race Rules, Regulations and Specifications, the Speedway Australia Racing Rules, those imposed on them by the event venue, and the above nomination pack supplementary regulations.
This event will be conducted under the rules and regulations stipulated by Speedcars Australia including the possibility of engine, fuel, tyre, and weight testing throughout the event. It is understood that drug and alcohol testing of competitors may also be conducted at any time, per Speedway Australia's testing procedures. Failure by any person/s including driver, owner and crew to comply with these and all Speedcars Australia rules and regulations may result in the exclusion of the car/driver from this event.
Competitors enter at their own risk and must meet personal accident insurance obligations as per Speedway Australia requirements.
NOTE: You can complete the nom form via a smart phone but due the detail required, we suggest you use a laptop/desktop PC. Your nomination (or ticket per the system) will be open for 59mins before timing out.
Please contact Speedcars Australia Secretary Alison Dwyer via or 0419 352 231. ​
Rydges Pit Lane Hotel - 543 Dukes Highway, Tailem Bend​
EVENT DISCOUNT OFFER: Get 15% off and 2 x drinks vouchers by using code 'MBSPEEDWAY' when booking.
Rydges Pit Lane Hotel is situated in the main building of Australia’s world-class motorsports facility, Shell V-Power Motorsport Park, and is located only 25 minutes drive from Murray Bridge. This venue has ample room for race trucks and trailers, plus undercover work areas for teams to do maintenance!
Choice Hotels Group - Australia-wide
SA SPEEDCARS DISCOUNT OFFER: Whether you're staying down in Adelaide, in the Hills in Hahndorf, or need accomodation along your way to and from our events, you can get 15% off at any Australian and NZ Choice Hotel room bookings just by using our SA Speedcars' promo link to book HERE! Includes Comfort Hotel, Econo Lodge, Comfort Inn, Quality, The Manna, The Studios, and The Lodge! ​
Avoca Dell Caravan Park - 199 Avoca Dell Drive, Murray Bridge​:
(Australasian 50 Lapper sponsor - support those that support us!)
Powered Campsites with a variety of options to chose from plus self-contained cabins and budget friendly rooms. Fantastic facilities for small and large group bookings. Make use of our a fully enclosed air-conditioned Dining Room and Camp kitchen, Large undercover BBQ area, Playground, 18-hole Mini Golf & Coin-operated Laundry facilities.
Murray Bridge Tourist Park - 315 Adelaide Rd (Princes Highway), Murray Bridge:
Located on the outskirts of Murray Bridge SA, Murray Bridge Tourist Park is a quiet and boutique Park with premium units and large drive through sites. Easy access from the freeway.
Phone: (08) 8532 2860
Murray Bridge Marina Camping & Caravans - 100 Roper Road, Murray Bridge:
Murray Bridge Marina Camping and Caravan Park is a nice and easy 45 minutes drive from the Adelaide Tollgate straight up the South Eastern Freeway. Located just a few minutes from the Murray Bridge town centre.
All bookings and enquiries by phone.
Phone: (08) 8532 6900
Office Hours: 9am – 5pm (7 days)
Balcony On Sixth Lodge - 6 Sixth Street, Murray Bridge:
Situated in the main shopping area of Murray Bridge, this lodge offers personal attention at an economical rate. The Balcony boasts an array of accommodation options. Simply book online for the best value, up to the minute rates.
The Bridgeport Hotel - 2 Bridge St, Murray Bridge:
The Bridgeport has undergone a $45 million transformation since our last title was hosted in Murray Bridge back in 2018. Retaining its local identity, whilst completing an extensive and stylish new development, the hotel is now amongst the very best hotels in South Australia.
Parklane Motel Murray Bridge 24 Sixth Street, Murray Bridge Phone: 08 8531 1218
Adelaide Road Motor Lodge, 212 Adelaide Road, Murray Bridge Phone: 8532 1144
Murray Bridge Motor Inn, 5341 Old Princess Highway, Murray Bridge East, Phone: 08 8532 1090
Oval Motel, 4 Le Messurier Street, Murray Bridge Phone: 8532 2388