In a huge leap forward in self-service capabilities for Speedcars Australia car owners, competitors and affiliated clubs; today the annual Speedcar registration (membership) and competitor declaration process has gone fully online! This functionality allows all car owners and competitors to initiate the annual process via PC, tablet and even on a smart phone, moving away from the paper-based process of decades past.
Registrations and declarations for season 20-21 are now open. Car owners and competitors can now complete the two required forms electronically by visiting the Speedcars Australia website ( and clicking on the Owner/Driver Admin page.
In delivering this online capability, the following minimum requirements remain firmly in place, and are to be completed a minimum seven days prior to your first event (including practice):​
1) 20-21 Speedcars Australia Membership / Registration form (online).
2) 20-21 Membership / Registration fee paid directly to Speedcars Australia (online direct deposit).
3) 20-21 Competitor Declaration form (online).
4) Current local Speedcars Australia affiliated club membership (refer your local club).
5) Annual Visual Inspection completed by an authorised scrutineer with no outstanding issues (contact your club scrutineers to arrange).
IMPORTANT: Please ensure you complete all of the above requirements a minimum of seven days prior to your event (including practice) as failure to do so will see you unable to compete/practice.
These requirements will be validated by your local affiliated club and Speedcars Australia before allowing you to enter any events (including practice). This task can now also be completed via a shared online area, which is automatically updated within a minute of either form being submitted. The admin function is accessible to club admins and scrutineers via PC, tablet and smart phone, anywhere with internet access; and is secured in a password-protected admin page.
Have questions or need assistance? Please discuss with your club administration, scrutineers and/or SAC representatives, or email